Tuesday, August 2, 2011




EnjoyHi5Autism is enjoying the OSEP Mega Conference!  Nolan Simon and Michele Rovins are assisting me and other webcast Attendees stay connected with on-site Speakers and Participants.
As a family living on the Autism Spectrum, we are cognizant of the importance of  a FAPE,  inclusive , UDL, least restrictive environment schools and communities benefit our son.

As a Parent, I hope to collaborate with other stakeholders as we learn and share with the Office of Special Education Programs what is working and what needs to be improved in our local communities regarding special needs educational and rehabilitative services.

As an Advocate, I am interested in how the Department of Education fulfills the ADA, IDEA, Rehabilitation Act and DD Act for people like my son who has a developmental disabilities.  Glad that America operates an Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services that desimminates policies, proceduces and mandates, trainings and funding  to improve the outcomes of people with disabilities---from region to state to district to local communities. 

Here is an introduction/Welcome video about the #osepmega11 (EnjoyHi5Autism is on Twitter.)

{Just click the highlighted words to go to these links.}

Check out other OSEP, IDEA, ed.gov  videos EnjoyHi5Autism likes on our vimeo channel!  Join us at http://vimeo.com/EnjoyHi5Autism


47. Mega Intro
8 days ago

Hi5!Enjoying OSEP Leaders Mega Conf. 2011,vis Adobe Connect webcast and mobile. Thanks cong. Coordinators, OSERS, Michele Rovins and Nolan Simon. Parent Advocate-Brenda Lee Cosse'

49. Untitled
2 days ago

Hi5! #osepmega11

Hi5!Enjoying OSEP Leaders Mega Conf. 2011,via webcast Adobe Connect and by mobile phone. Thanks Nolan Simon and Michele Rovins.

45. The Office Title Opener v2
27 days ago
Hi5! Enjoying ed.gov OSERS #osepmega11 Leadership Conf. Collaboration to Achieve Success from the cradle to career'. Adobe Connect webcast and Call-On features allow us to attend, participate in Q & A. Dr. Smith answered my Parent Advocacy question regarding improving school nutrition statewide
Thanks for sharing strategies you implement in Massachusetts. Dr
Wexler made us all laugh with his flash mob type dance video!

Hi5! Definitely sharing this right idea about IDEA ! #osepmega11

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