Sunday, October 2, 2011

disAbility Employment Awareness Month INCLUDES Developmental & Sensory conditions

'disAbility Employment Awareness Month INCLUDES Developmental and Sensory conditions'
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month and National Sensory Awareness Month.
Thank you National Council on Disability. NCD is vital in informing us of policies, issues and other other interests of people with Disabilities. Comparatively, the Council for Exceptional Children is essential for Parents, Educators, Policymakers and Advocates of Children with various Exceptionalities like my son who endeavors to 'enjoy life on the Autism Spectrum'. Thanks CEC for keeping us active and abreast with Policy Insider and other info. 

Developmental conditions ARE disAbilities,too.
As the Disability Community observes National Disability Employment Awareness Month(NDEAM,let's remember to acknowledge the workforce needs and accommodations of Self-Employers, Employees and Jobseekers with Developmental Disabilities.
In light of this NDEAM-Developmental Disabilities recognition, October is also National Sensory Awareness Month. The Sensory Processing Disorder(SPD)online education, advocacy community and social networks provide a plethora of relevant and reliable information for people needing Sensory Diets and Sensory Integration.
Again, congratulations to Mr. Ari Ne'eman, Founder of Autistic Self-Advocacy Network(ASAN) for serving as the first NCD appointee with Autism. Thanks to President Barack Obama and U.S. Congress for a progressive decision.
I will continue to share CEC, NCD, Executive, Legislative and Judicial insights that impact the Developmental disAbilities community via 'EnjoyHi5Autism' social networks and micro-blogs.

Senate Confirms First Person with Autism to Serve on National Council on Disability

CapitalThe Senate unanimously confirmed Ari Ne’eman on Tuesday to become the first person with autism to serve on the National Council on Disability. The National Council on Disability makes recommendations to the president and Congress on disability issues.  



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