Sunday, July 24, 2011

What about The Church?!

What about The Church?!'

* The term 'church' is used to express all faiths that believe in God. This series is not a debate about the existence of a higher, superior being, his son Jesus Christ or anything else religious.  'What about The Church?!' is designed to address Self-Determination, Inclusion, Productivity, Independence and Integration as it relates to the world of Faith-believers.

{We will endeavor to present a faith-based perspective at least once a week. We believe that dialogue must occur, that expression must be evident that People of Faith can ALL come to the Church table-- whether they are with or without a disability. Self-Determination, Inclusion, Productivity, Independence and Integration has to be evident in the households of faith. Addressing how we can merge the non-disability and special needs congregates in to 1 church is vital to the message of God. This is Jesus' original design: 1 church(Body), 1 Lord, 1 faith, 1 baptism.... 'If we get it right inside the walls, we can do it right outside the walls' for we "can do all things through Christ who strengthens us". Let us Pray. Then, let us go forth boldy, in the church first, then, in the world.}
Treating people with disabilities (terminal conditions, special needs, disabilities) as 1 dimensional overlooks the multi-layers of spiritual hierarchy of needs of the faith community.  By only attending to them for prayer and/or ancillary hospice care, church work ignores the triune being that seeks a holistic faith and relationship with God and Jesus' church.  In other words, we are spirit, soul and body.  If Jesus addresses all aspects of human existence, church work should seek positive and inspiring ways to do so, too.  One aspect is that Faith-believers with disabilities/special needs/terminal conditions have religious needs and concerns. We understand that a single church can not do this.  It definitely takes an assembly of God's people with the Lord's help.
Many church dwellers percieve a periferal existence as similar to being 'lukewarm'. Often we hear friends wonder why their church only allows those with disabilities to be recognized on 'special days/ceremonies/activities.  They prefer to just be included as a 'person-of-faith who tithes and supports their church endeavors and what to be viewed as a VALUEable member of the Body of Christ'.  Instead, they say they feel and are treated as half-a-member; a poor soul with an affliction; someone who should not pray for others but rather should only be prayed for and a slew of  'well-intentioned' deeds. 
People of Faith who have disabilities, special needs and/or terminal conditions appreciate Accommodations and Modifications that enable them to live out their faith, to share in church work and to effectively serve as a loyal member of the Body of Christ.  We seek to be viewed as " living epistles read of men" who have repented of our sins are "new creatures in Christ" who contribute to the ecclesiastical purpose in the world.
There are many exceptions to this additional view of 'Bad Church Work Habits'.  Converting them to 'The Rule' is a realistic and attainable goal.  Also, it is preferred by many individuals and families of Faith with disabilities, special nees and terminal conditions--such as our family who is living on the Autism Spectrum.
Generation F and the Mega Church, 10 Bad Church Work Habits are 2 of our favorite  topic of Church Forward.  Sam Rainer, your discussions are akeen to Mike, his wife Linda and triplet sons of  'Making Room' (Facebook  on Sunday's) which addresses the disability faith community and their desire to be included in church life.  Your general perspective provides an insightful scope for people of Faith. This balance is important in understanding and addressing how we can merge the non-disability and special needs congregates in to 1 church as Jesus' original design: 1 church(Body), 1 Lord, 1 faith, 1 baptism.... 'If we get it right inside the walls, we can do it right outside the walls' for we "can do all things through Christ who strengthens us".
Definitely sharing Church Forward on our 'EnjoyHi5Autism' social media sites, namely: (original) ; (snippets) ; and (audio)

We hope that 'What about The Church?! is not viewed as a condemnation but rather as an enlightenment focus. Today, we presented the above dialogue in excerpts to: 10 Bad Church Work Habits by Sam Rainer

Sam Rainer's Facebook profile

Making Room
Consultant - Training
I work with local churches on developing ways to include people with autism into the community of faith.
Making Room Notes (Facebook) "Making room" for our children to be fully included and accepted in our schools and communities of faith is my passion! I'm sooo fortunate to be married to the love of my life, Linda!  We have three boys (triplets!), ALL of them are on the autism spectrum. Helping churches successfully include children with special needs.

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