Thursday, August 9, 2012

Help a Teacher to Understand Your Child

Mrs. S. enters the main office to ask, calmly but assertively, to speak to the Principal. He greets her with confusion and concern. Mrs. S. reports that she needs to talk with her son’s Social Studies teacher, NOW!
She has prepared this speech in her mind many times, mostly when she is about to be asleep or when she has just awoken – when her resistance is low and her thinking is most uncluttered.

At this point Mr. M. begins to squirm in his seat, but she doesn’t even notice – she is releasing years of built up anger and frustration. She continues:...

Many parents take a proactive role in learning all they can about their child’s disability and how to best support their growth. Resources, such as Special-Ism, exist to offer education, tools and strategies all aimed at providing a range of support. Unfortunately, the reality is that parents often know more than the teachers charged with educating their child regarding the best practices for managing learning and behavior. Finding a way to respectfully convey that information is the key. Here are some strategies that may help: ...
If you do run into a situation where a teacher is not working well with your child, remember that this is a learning process for all concerned. Have a conversation with the teacher where you focus on expressing your concerns and work together to find more appropriate responses and tools to help the teacher help your child. Also talk with your child to help them develop the skills of appropriate self-advocacy so they can protect themselves when you are not there to help them.

Read the complete 'Mrs. S. speech', and review the 4 points  -
Help a Teacher to Understand Your Child

Reflect on how you, as a Parent/Guardian/Caregiver can help your child and Teacher have an 'Enjoyable School Year.'

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